Fall Festivals



   1900 was the year of the first Fall Festival and Industrial Exposition, it continued until 1923.

Not a postcard
Fall Festival Parade-1900.jpg (130805 bytes)
Parade at Government Sq.



1901 Fall Festival-aa.jpg (121542 bytes)        1901 Fall Festival-s1.jpg (132222 bytes)        Fall Festival-zc.jpg (124895 bytes)        1901 Fall Festival-h1.jpg (290673 bytes)


1901 Fall Festival.jpg (136992 bytes)        1901 Fall Festival-s1.jpg (138388 bytes)        1901 Fall Festival-a.jpg (99942 bytes)        Fall Festival-1901.jpg (315199 bytes)


Fall Festival 1901-9.jpg (277492 bytes)        1901 Fall Festival-10.jpg (326702 bytes)        1901-Fall Festival-11.jpg (271932 bytes)        1901 Fall Festival-12.jpg (298052 bytes)

   I believe this is the complete set but, of course, I probably will never know for sure.



   This souvenir book was put out by the Cincinnati Traveling Salesmen's Association Incorporated. The members of this association were all traveling salesmen for practically every business in the Cincinnati area. Notice that the cover has the title of the book misspelled (traveling). As you can see in the 2nd image they were in the original 1900 festival floral parade and they won first prize. In 1900, their first year, they called themselves The Southern Traveling Salesmen's Association. The book contains images from the 1900 floral parade plus many advertisements that I will be adding. Why some of the "floats" were called Tallyhos, I have no idea.

Souvenir Book Cover.jpg (469616 bytes)                1900 Parade Winner.jpg (234662 bytes)
          Cover                                        1900 Winning Trophy


Prize Winner.jpg (428972 bytes)        TallyHo 1.jpg (191912 bytes)        A Basket of Peaches.jpg (244643 bytes)        A Gilded Cage.jpg (189688 bytes)
The Prize Winner                         Tallyho No. 1                       A Basket of Peaches                      A Gilded Cage    


TallyHo 2.jpg (264691 bytes)        The Florists Float.jpg (442920 bytes)        TallyHo 3.jpg (305573 bytes)        A School Float.jpg (502017 bytes)
Tallyho No. 2                         The Florists Float                         Tallyho No. 3                          A School Float 


Before Starting 1.jpg (314897 bytes) Before the Parade Before Starting.jpg (393628 bytes)



Aw. Summerfield & Co.jpg (413822 bytes)        Cincinnati Conservatory of Music.jpg (402748 bytes)        Fabian Manufacturing Co.jpg (328119 bytes)        Heldman, Heldman & Co.jpg (255851 bytes)
Trousers & Overcoats            Conservatory of Music              Skirts and Wrappers                   Men's Clothing       


Cordova Wax Candles.jpg (395328 bytes)        Levy, Price & Co.jpg (241141 bytes)        Moch, Berman & Co.jpg (328109 bytes)        Ochs, Goodman & Co.jpg (257319 bytes)
     Wax Candles                        Children's Clothes                           Clothing                            Suits and Overcoats


S. & H. Gilsey.jpg (259183 bytes)        C&O Railroad.jpg (303977 bytes)        Queen & Crescent RR.jpg (249545 bytes)        Carriages.jpg (356629 bytes)
Jewelry                                                               Railroads                                                             Carriages


Lowmans' Sons.jpg (186092 bytes)        Ornstein & Rice.jpg (123176 bytes)        Woodmansee Piano Co.jpg (172739 bytes)        Wolf Bros. & Co.jpg (669751 bytes)        Stag Hotel.jpg (132070 bytes)
 Shirts                             Neckwear                          Pianos                            Shoes                            Hotel   


Clothing - Dry Goods.jpg (301997 bytes)        Clothing 2.jpg (299328 bytes)        Clothing 3.jpg (291496 bytes)        Clothing Boys.jpg (241738 bytes)
Clothing - Dry Goods


Clothing Womens.jpg (372531 bytes)        Dept. Store 2.jpg (229191 bytes)        Dry Goods - Neckwear.jpg (292940 bytes)        Dry Goods.jpg (253709 bytes)
Clothing - Dry Goods


Dept. Store- Boys' Clothing.jpg (370379 bytes)        Mens Clothing.jpg (360841 bytes)        Hats.jpg (274624 bytes)        Chemicals.jpg (247694 bytes)
                                         Clothing - Dry Goods                                                                           Chemicals


Palace Hotel ad.jpg (160118 bytes)        Tailors.jpg (274578 bytes)        Ranges-Kitchens.jpg (311324 bytes)
     Hotel                                Tailors                          Ranges - Kitchens



1902 Fall Festival.jpg (134688 bytes)   *   1902 Fall Festival back.jpg (114609 bytes)
Celebrating Presidents Day On Sept. 20th (Roosevelt)



   The following images are from a souvenir book produced by the Alms & Doepke Company for the 1902 Fall Festival.

FF Front-Back.jpg (1012551 bytes)        FF Page  1-2.jpg (1455600 bytes)        FF Page  3-4.jpg (1216928 bytes)        FF Page  5-6.jpg (1308687 bytes)
Front            Back                             Pages 1-2                                  Pages 3-4                                    Pages 5-6        

FF Page  7-8.jpg (1372242 bytes)        FF Page  9-10.jpg (1336318 bytes)        FF Page  11-12.jpg (1329795 bytes)        FF Page 13-14.jpg (1455771 bytes)
Pages 7-8                                Pages 9-10                                Pages 11-12                                Pages 13-14



1903 Fall Festival Poster.jpg (157218 bytes)



Fall Festival vert 1.jpg (86230 bytes)            Fall Festival.jpg (65354 bytes)           
                                                                                          Leather card


Cards put out by the McAlpin Department Store

McAlpin Store-aa.jpg (69894 bytes)        McAlpin-ss.jpg (96213 bytes)        McAlpin-st.jpg (80837 bytes)        McAlpin-Festival.jpg (222614 bytes)        McAlpins-Fall Festival 5.jpg (285989 bytes)        Equestrian Girl.jpg (243374 bytes)
  Football Girl               Yachting Girl                     Rose                       Tennis Girl              Automobile Girl           Equestrian Girl  


Leather Fall Festival greeting.jpg (218312 bytes)      Leather Fall Festival Nobody Works.jpg (309935 bytes)      Leather Fall Festival-2.jpg (243933 bytes)      Leather Fall Festival-3.jpg (197045 bytes)      1906 Fall Festival leather.jpg (269186 bytes)
Leather postcards


1906 Fall Festival Dutch.jpg (352814 bytes)
1906 Souvenir Card



1923 Fall Festival.jpg (1331295 bytes)            Fall Festival vert 2.jpg (62678 bytes)        Tower of Jewels 2.jpg (167527 bytes)

   The first image above is very large and not a postcard. It is a very nice bird's-eye-view of this festival. The next two postcards are of the Tower of Jewels.


Fall Festival 2.jpg (78686 bytes)        Fall Festival-rp-2.jpg (196835 bytes)
Fall Festival not sure of year  


Norwood Fall Festival Building.jpg (130569 bytes)
Norwood Fall Festival
Year Unknown