Kemper Log Cabin


  The Kemper Log Cabin was erected on Kemper Lane in Walnut Hills and was occupied on June 3, 1804.It is the oldest house now standing in Hamilton County. It was moved in 1912 to the Cincinnati Zoo by the Kemper Log Cabin Association to be preserved. I believe it is now located in the Sharon Woods Village.

Kemper Homestead-Oldest House-1.jpg (116165 bytes)                Kemper Homestead-Oldest House-2.jpg (116850 bytes)                Kemper Homestead-RP.jpg (94298 bytes)*
These three cards show the cabin before it was moved to the Zoo.


Kemper-ba.jpg (154149 bytes)        Kemper-ab.jpg (131795 bytes)        Kemper-ac.jpg (124548 bytes)        Kemper House-pb.jpg (727069 bytes)


Kemper-bb.jpg (136135 bytes)        Kemper Log Cabin 5.jpg (507505 bytes)


Kemper-aa.jpg (128238 bytes)                Kemper-ak.jpg (124096 bytes)                Kemper-aj.jpg (121072 bytes)


Kemper-ad.jpg (122317 bytes)            Kemper-af.jpg (118187 bytes)            Kemper-ag.jpg (85906 bytes)
                                                                                                                    Four poster & Trundle-bed


Kemper-ae.jpg (91436 bytes)                Kemper-al.jpg (119318 bytes)                Kemper-ai.jpg (116304 bytes)
Kitchen                                                                                                   Fireplace


Kemper-ah.jpg (101340 bytes)
Two of these dolls belonged
to the Kemper children.


The following are not postcards

Kemper Cabin.jpg (154158 bytes)                Kemper Cabin 2.jpg (190851 bytes)


Kemper Cabin Layout.JPG (370961 bytes)    Kemper Cabin Layout1.JPG (586433 bytes)    Kemper Cabin Layout2.JPG (558911 bytes)    Kemper Cabin Layout3.JPG (879341 bytes)