Reds Covers



    Reds FDC-error.jpg (142928 bytes)        Professional Baseball FDC.jpg (190767 bytes)    1969 Baseball FDC.jpg (183789 bytes)


9/24/69 First Day Covers for the Professional Baseball stamp.


Pro Ball FDC.jpg (156569 bytes)        Baseball FDC-Diamond.jpg (136479 bytes)        Baseball FDC-Nixon.jpg (406413 bytes)        FDCover.jpg (118257 bytes)


Crosley FDC.jpg (140326 bytes)    Crosley FDC info.jpg (798200 bytes)        Crosley FDC--gold.jpg (446925 bytes)    Crosley gold-contents.jpg (1088405 bytes)
Two Crosley Field  First Day Covers & information 


   Some very nice covers all honoring the Crosley Field stamp issued June 27, 2001. It is part of the Legendary Playing Fields set and were not cancelled in Cincinnati.

Crosley Field Handpainted FDC.jpg (904285 bytes)    cover-Crosley Field stamp.jpg (304423 bytes)            Playing Field-1.jpg (836951 bytes)
Hand Painted Cover                                                                                                                                                                                               


Kluszewski-Campanella.jpg (778924 bytes)        Bench 2.jpg (201945 bytes)    Crosley Cathedrals FDI.jpg (248853 bytes)    Playing Field-3.jpg (911920 bytes)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Riverfront Stadium


Crosley FDC-n1.jpg (196391 bytes)    fdc Legends-Crosley.jpg (324236 bytes)    Crosley Cover 6-27-01.jpg (178659 bytes)


Crosley Covera.jpg (313958 bytes)    Crosley Coverb.jpg (220770 bytes)    Crosley Coverc.jpg (250829 bytes)

   The cover above is more elaborate than most covers of this genre. In addition to the usual cachet on the front there was information printed on the back flap (center) and when you lifted the back flap up it uncovers a second image seen in the third image. 


   This is a hand painted cover of the pitching staff of the 1990 World Series Champs known as "The Nasty Boys".


Cover Crosley Field Opening.jpg (303016 bytes)    Cover Crosley insert.jpg (190171 bytes)    Cover Riverfront Stadium Opening.jpg (257756 bytes)    Cover Riverfront Stadium insert.jpg (197854 bytes)
Crosley's 85th anniversary                            Riverfront's 30th anniversary


Riverfront -American the Beautiful.jpg (271375 bytes)    Riverfront-insert.jpg (330130 bytes)
                                       Riverfront Stadium cover        Insert for cover on left.                                           



Last Game.jpg (121838 bytes)        First Game.jpg (160648 bytes)        1970 All Star GAme.jpg (218689 bytes)        1970 World Series.jpg (193738 bytes)
Last Game at Crosley              First Game at Riverfront                1970 All Star Game                    1970 World Series       

   1970 was a busy year for the Cincinnati Reds. On June 24th the team played its last game at Crosley Field. On June 30th they played their first game at Riverfront Stadium. On July 14th the All Star game was played at Riverfront, and the 1970 World Series was played in October. Each of these events are shown in the special covers above.



1972-WS-1.jpg (174938 bytes)        1972 WS-2.jpg (190503 bytes)        1972 WS-3.jpg (184627 bytes)        1972 WS-4.jpg (187542 bytes)


   Each of the seven games of the 1972 World Series between the Cincinnati Reds and Oakland is represented by a special cover. Each cover shows the runs, hits, and errors for that game.


1972 WS-5.jpg (197997 bytes)        1972 WS-6.jpg (195119 bytes)        1972 WS-7.jpg (184716 bytes)


72 Series Medal.jpg (187140 bytes)        72 Series Medal-rev.jpg (188610 bytes)
Front                                                Back    

   This 1972 World Series cover contains a sterling silver commemorative medal of the series, won by Oakland 4 games to 3. The medal is encased in plastic causing some light reflections showing on the medal.