Roadside (Motels)


  Although they are called Roadside cards these are more commonly known as Motels. It also includes other businesses like restaurants but I have these cards on other pages. They are not in any order.


4 Acres Motel.jpg (92655 bytes)    4 Acres Motel-3.jpg (111179 bytes)                Colonial Cabins 2.jpg (97451 bytes)
               4 Acres Motel at 4735 Kellogg Road                              Colonial Cabins 2miles N.W. of city limits on U.S. 52


Ellsworth Motel-1.jpg (94087 bytes)    Ellsworth Motel-2.jpg (87140 bytes)    Fireside Motel.jpg (107578 bytes)    Fireside Motel-2.jpg (141739 bytes)    Fireside Motel-n1.jpg (605810 bytes)
Ellsworth Motel at 5753 Harrison Road                                                  Fireside Motel at 7580 Colerain Avenue                        


Gateway Lodge.jpg (102022 bytes)    Gateway Lodge-2.jpg (118005 bytes)    Gateway Lodge Motel 3.jpg (418983 bytes)
Gateway Lodge at 4453 Reading Road


Green Gables Village Motel.jpg (76930 bytes)    Green Gables Village Motel 2.jpg (110963 bytes)
Green Gable's Village at 4220 Harrison Avenue


Camargo Lodge-op.jpg (590932 bytes)    Camargo Lodge Motel.jpg (112297 bytes)    Camargo Lodge 3.jpg (221372 bytes)    Camargo Lodge Motel-2.jpg (141101 bytes)    Camargo Lodge Motel-3.jpg (106558 bytes)
Camargo Lodge Motel 12 miles from downtown


Sharon Villa Motel-1.jpg (99181 bytes)        Sharon Villa Motel-2.jpg (100796 bytes)        Sharon Villa Motel-3.jpg (107768 bytes)
Sharon Villa Motel at Route 42 & Route 25


hitavernmotel1.jpg (163592 bytes)       
Hi-Tavern Court Sharonville


Stonelick Court.jpg (100724 bytes)
Stonelick Tourist Court


Shuller's Restaurant & Motel.jpg (128388 bytes)        Shulers Rest & Motel.jpg (103058 bytes)        Shuller's Motel-2.jpg (280970 bytes)    Shuller's Motel-2back.jpg (74364 bytes)
Shuller's Restaurant & Motel.  7749-7769 Reading Road


Amity Hotel Courts.jpg (106086 bytes)    Amity Hotel Courts-2.jpg (86026 bytes)    Amity Hotel Courts 3.jpg (295048 bytes)
Amity Hotel Courts  7733 Reading Road 


Hollywood Courts.jpg (104518 bytes)                Kenwood Autotel.jpg (102850 bytes)    Kenwood motel-s1.jpg (116209 bytes)
Hollywood Courts 10 miles North of Cincinnati                                        Kenwood Autotel U.S. 22                    


Ve Nard Colonial Motel.jpg (255521 bytes)    Ve Nard Motel-2.jpg (184233 bytes)    Ve Nard Motel-3.jpg (99214 bytes)            Willows Tourist Cabins.jpg (116564 bytes)
                                  Ve Nard Colonial Motel at 7333 Reading Road                                        The Willows Tourist Cabins
                                                                                                                                                        7783 Montgomery Road


20 Mile Motel.jpg (103065 bytes)                Cozy Cabins.jpg (120600 bytes)       
20 Mile Motel Route 22                American Motel                              Cozy Cabins                           Fraser's Motel       
                                                 Harrison Road                               Harrison Pike                           U.S. Route 2


Holiday Motel.jpg (119579 bytes)    Holiday Motel-n1.jpg (99613 bytes)                    Kenwood Motel.jpg (137429 bytes)
                    Holiday Motel                                                                 Kenwood Motel  
                    10875 Montgomery Road                                                7796 Montgomery Road  


        Poes motel-2.jpg (85911 bytes)
Poe's Motel  10172 Reading Road


Roselawn Motel.jpg (113029 bytes)
Roselawn Motel
7661 Reading Road


Town & Country Motel.jpg (96479 bytes)    Town & Country Motel a.jpg (401233 bytes)    Town & Country Motel.jpg (111504 bytes)    Towne & Country Motel 3.jpg (216491 bytes)
Town & Country Motel    10763 Montgomery Road

   If you compare the two middle cards above you will see when the hotel ordered those cards they were a member of Superior (the sign below Motel), but later they obviously were not as they covered over this sign with tape. The last card has to be older then this version (duh!, no pool)


QC Autotel-1.jpg (303358 bytes)        QC Aurotel.jpg (330792 bytes)    Queen City Autotel 3.jpg (341701 bytes)    Queen City Autotel.jpg (98558 bytes)
1st Buildings                                         Queen City Autotel on routes 25-42 (Reading Road)            


Ridge Manor Motel.jpg (128149 bytes)   *Ridge Manor-SK.jpg (747635 bytes)                 Park Manor Motel.jpg (281280 bytes)        Evendale Motel-rp.jpg (105901 bytes)
Ridge Manor Motel  5633 Montgomery Rd.                                  Park Manor Motel                    Evendale Motel  
                                          Thanks to Scott Kabakoff                     2201 Montgomery Rd             U.S. Routes 25 & 42


Jo-El Motel & Antiques-11 Miles North.jpg (122623 bytes)                Sohio Motel-12 Miles North.jpg (115561 bytes)
Jo-El Motel & Antiques                    Sohio Motel & Restaurant
11 miles north on U.S. 22                    12 miles north on U.S. 25